Interactive Classroom - Currently in McKesson Automated Healthcare office in Northside of Pittsburgh PA. As of 2018, I think the company is now called "Acutronic."
This painting grew from my concern over digital media and its inclusion in the classroom to reach a wider range of students. I first became aware of the "interactive classroom" (as it was called) in the early '90s. The "interactive classroom" was a pilot program in public schools. During a time when more kids were shooting each other in the face, taking and trading drugs, it appeared as though the leadership in the world of education saw a viable solution to leading the world's youth in the removal of adults and replacing them with closed-circuit television screens. Excellent work! See Portfolio >>
The last I heard, the office where this painting is on display was planning on removing it. I attempted to contact the person in charge of the place, but with no luck. The building used to be called "McKesson Automated Healthcare," but I think it has a different name now. I shoved a business card through a locked door one time in an attempt to persuade the manager to contact me about this work if they plan to remove it. I am guessing that the next time I see the painting will be in a trash heap somewhere.
If anyone knows anybody at McKesson (now called Acutronic) or knows of the status of this painting's existence, let me know. All I could do when I shoved my card through the space in the door was to take this picture. It's sort of a "proof of life."
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