Some still images of models for characters, sets etc. for "Armageddon 2112".
"Armageddon 2112" is a film project that began in 1997. It seems to be manifesting with no end in sight. This project has gone through a number of iterations; from a sound installation, to a crude script, it existed as a super-8 film, it was a video element in a sculptural installation. Finally It seemed substantial enough to embark on a more in-depth examination of the thematic content. So, I decided to pursue on a more lengthy animated film project.
In its current stage, it has a completed script, 95% of the voice acting and foley recorded. The sound is being edited and models for animation are being constructed.
Synopsis - This film is a political and social commentary. One of its main features is that it mirrors the brutality with which the American mass media promotes or ignores catasrophes, atrocities, terrorism and exploitation. Numerous references are made throughout the film to historical revisionism, economic terrorism and propaganda. The plot centers around worldwide paranoia about the "end of the world", instigated by Vladimir Poopin, who is the driving force behind world catastrophes (pick one). A group of incompetent government secret agents attempts to prevent Vladimir Poopin's "second coming" in an attempt to save the world from certain doom.
At this point this project is being thought of as a possible series. Not sure where it's going, if it's going anywhere at all. When I have time, I work on some models, rigs and maybe a sequence.
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